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All aboard for National Heritage Week!

  • Now in its 25th year, National Heritage Week runs from August 17th to 25th

  • The theme for 2024 is ‘Connections, routes and networks’

  • Over 2,000 events registered nationally, including 37 in Carlow and 55 in Kilkenny

On the eve of National Heritage Week, I'm encouraging everyone in Carlow and Kilkenny to connect with their local heritage at one of over 90 events taking place across both counties over the next nine days.

This year, National Heritage Week runs from the 17th to the 25th of August, and the theme – Connections, Routes and Networks – invites us to explore the links between people and communities; to look at what brings us together and what connects us. Now in its 25th year, National Heritage Week has undoubtedly and deservedly become one of Ireland’s largest cultural events; a wonderful celebration of Ireland's built, natural, and cultural heritage bound up in one festival. The awareness and appreciation of our heritage that Heritage Week has fostered over the years has helped to create a real sense of ownership and community around our local heritage, with the thousands of events nationally that make up the programme each helping to shape more informed views, change hearts and minds and preserve one of our most valuable cultural resources. 

As Minister of State for Heritage, I am privileged to connect on almost a daily basis with the passionate individuals who run events every year, and I regularly get to witness firsthand the extraordinary efforts that people make to bring our heritage to life through a very considered programme of events. Nationally there are over 2,000 events taking place this year, and I want to commend the hundreds of volunteers, community groups and organisations across the country who give freely of their time, expertise and enthusiasm each year to organise events. This year's theme encourages everyone to explore the connection between people and heritage and to discover Ireland’s wealth of natural habitats, our traditions, roads, routes and connections, so I'm urging everyone to make the most of the events that are on offer and explore those connections for themselves.

At a local level, National Heritage Week presents an invaluable opportunity to connect with our local heritage, and once again I’ll be spending the next nine days right here in my constituency, celebrating the built, natural and cultural heritage of Carlow and Kilkenny; learning about the unique history, crafts, skills and traditions that connect us today to the generations that went before us. 

There's a wonderful programme of events taking place across Kilkenny and Carlow, with 92 currently listed, including exhibitions, heritage walks and history talks, along with treasure hunts, trad sessions, storytelling and a science workshops for kids. There's also a chance to see the working steam engine from 1902 which brought us to the launch of National Heritage Week in Drogheda last month. There really is something for everyone, and I might see you there, so check out heritage and start planning your National Heritage Week activities today!


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